Monday, February 13, 2012

The week goes on....

The week continues. Everything seems to be going well so far. Got good reactions from T. Mae for my poem, just finished a math presentation, so far, so good. This week, I must say, was specifically.... well..... bloody.

We started off good with some tests. My English test scores were good. I remember converting it at least to an 80%... well kind of. Social Science, well that was a long one. To be honest, I don't even remember a bunch of stuff sir nifas talked about. They're really the kind of stuff you have to watch a lot of tv for, and i did. Anyways, I alot of people didn't pass. Good thing I narrowly avoided being in the majority. Thank you TV!

The main guys I think were the two boys Gino and Jerry, followed by Tim, and Renzo I think. Major Props to those guys. That was a frickin hard exam...... and I'm willing to bet they didnt even use the TV! Now that that's done somehting else follwed. Something that would haunt the dreams of the weak at heart. Shall I say it? Mothers, turn your children away, Grandmothers, take your medicine, PRegnant women, prepare to have a very, very early birth...... SAW 7!

I cannot even begin to describe the goryness of this movie. This is so bad, I wouldn't wish them to Ted Bundy himself. Though big respect to the directors, as Renzo said, they were really smart. I think it's because they really know how to get into the psycology  of a victim, or even the killer. Most importantly, they know how to get into our heads. That's the most important part. You can have the most awesome movie  script with the best planning and even the most exciting scenes. But if you're story sucks and you're actors don;t know how to act. You may as well book your movie a showing on the D list. Anwyays, saw is a unique and exciitng movie, I definitley recommend you to watch it if you can stomach seeing another persons stomach. 

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