Wednesday, May 9, 2012

project umbrella

Guys I'm going to talk about one of my most favourite games/movies of all time. Resident Evil.
The main focus of RE is that of a pharmaceutical company known as the Umbrella Corporation.
Umbrella is featured as a very powerful company that does research on virus prevention (or use), and even has their own military type force.

For most of us, we know that Umbrella already does these things. But how were they founded?

Umbrella was founded in 1968 by Lord Oswell E. Spencer; Sir Edward Ashford and Dr. James Marcus after the discovery of the Progenitor virus the previous year. Another starting member, though not considered a co-founder, was Marcus' student Brandon Bailey, who was with Marcus and Spencer when they first discovered the Stairway of the Sun flower.
Shortly after Umbrella's founding, Ashford died from exposure to the virus, and Brandon was effectively-exiled to the Umbrella Africa Laboratory, where he send virus samples to Dr. Marcus' newly built research center.

In 1969, Edward's son Alexander began the construction of the Antarctic Base, attached to which was a research centre where he began development of his "Code: Veronica" project. This was his research into the gene that controls intelligence. Two years later, Alfred and Alexia would be born from his research.

Seeking new information on Progenitor, Marcus had several of his students infected with the virus. They were however, unable to survive its effects and died, their corpses dumped in the Water Treatment facility.

Marcus injected leeches with Progenitor in 1978, and bore witness to the creation of a new strain which he named the "Tyrant virus". Later this year, the Training facility would be closed and Marcus' two prized students: Albert Wesker and William Birkin, would be moved to the nearby Arklay Laboratory.

Yet again in 1978, did Marcus find evidence of tampering. In his increasing paranoia brought on by his quest for glory and isolation from mankind, he wrote in his diary that Albert and William were the only humans he trusted. His trust in them would betray him ten years later however, as the two would - under direct orders from Spencer, himself - have him assassinated by a Special forces unit and dumped in the Water Treatment Facility. Credit for "t" would be taken by William. His trust in William would also render hiding the source of "t" - the Leeches - useless.

By now however, Birkin had little care for "t", having discovered the G-virus in the body of Lisa Trevor, the daughter of George, still kept in the estate as a guinea pig for their twisted experiments.

This of course, lay the foundaitons of chaos as the estate would be  infected by marcus and bring to the mansuon, then the city, then the world! The ultimate nighmare!

The last week before examinations

It is usually the case that when it is the final week before the finals quarterly exams, it is expected that work be increasingly difficult. Surprisingly, I did not encounter too much difficulty. That is probably because the teachers are saving the hardest work to come right before the exams.

With that out of the way, I would like to offer advice to those who plan to leave MIT during their next year. It is the norm that students start studying for college at the end of their third year. I myself do not plan yet to go anywhere. However, if plans change I would like to have a choice. Knowing that I will still take exams for various universities around the country. (Except UP. There is no way I can possibly pass that.)
Here we go:

Before we start I would like to thank my relatives for their sage advice.

First and foremost- Do not underestimate any exam.

my cousin applied to five different schools, even if a couple of these did not have the courses he really wanted. College admission here in the Philippines in highly selective and extremely competitive now- you’re up against tens of thousands of students in all the exams you take. Give each exam your best shot, treat it like it were the deciding exam to your dream school. Results a few months later may surprise you, and you’ll feel a lot better knowing that you tried your best in every test you took.

Study and review for the exam.
It is recomended that you Enroll yourself at a review center or find yourself a personal tutor
· This is not completely necessary, but serves as an excellent confidence booster. The summer before your senior year will probably be composed of daily review classes (tip: don’t review with your friends so you’re forced to focus) where you’ll basically be refreshed on everything you learned in high school. Inquire early (February) about the programs at review centers to gauge their varying strengths and weaknesses. Many of my friends recommend LSC for their books, Expert Guides for their super comprehensive lectures, or MSA or Ahead for their test-taking tips. Some people did not go to a review center and was happy with just studying in a small group with a tutor. Those small neighborhood review centers can be very good as well- choose one that best suits your learning style.
Invest in review materials and mock tests then sit down and answer them as if you were actually taking the exam.
· From the results, you’ll be able to see where you need to do more work- if you’re a slow reader, brush up on reading comprehension, or if you’re like me and math isn’t your best friend, keep practicing solving problems in high school math (arithmetic, algebra, geometry and basic trigonometry) so that you’ll be an expert by the exam.

Get sufficient sleep and eat before the exam.

Most people underestimate the value of this- but believe me, it’s extremely difficult to take a test when you’re just dying to crawl back into bed or run to the nearest Mcdonalds to grab a Happy Meal. Even if your exam is early in the morning, make sure to eat breakfast and get a full night’s sleep. If you’re extremely anxious about the exam the night before, try reading a book (Yet another tip: Don’t review the night before!) until you fall asleep.

On the day of the exam, make you you have everything (even everyone) you need with you.

Stock up on Mongol number twos (All the exams, from the UPCAT to the USTET require number twos, with the exception of the UA&P entrance exam- to make sure, check your admission slip the night before!) and have a trusty eraser with you during the exam. It also helps if you have maybe a little good luck charm or your favorite giant sharpener with you- anything that will help ease the tension. Also, it helps sometimes to bring a parent or sibling with you, someone who’ll be there to cheer for you as you walk into the building, and someone to vent to right after the exam.

During the exam, don’t hestitate to skip a number and just go back to it.

An important thing to remember about these entrance exams is that time will always be a major factor. A smart friend of mine breezes through the numbers by skipping those he’s not sure of and just writing them down on his scratch paper so he’ll remember to go back to them later. The time pressure is worst for some entrance exams - in one exam, there is a part which you actually have to complete in under five minutes. It’s completely possible to complete this, as long as you learn how to pace yourself. Some other college entrance exams (the DLSUCET for example) are right minus wrong. For every number you get wrong, .25 or one fourth of a point is deducted from your correct answers. Does that mean you shouldn’t guess? Not exactly. The smart thing to do would be to eliminate the choices- if you’re left with only two to choose from, it’s best to guess. There’ll always be a 50% chance that you’ve guessed correctly

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

darth vader

Guys let me tell you aboutn one of my favorite villains of all time, Darth vader. Although he is one of my top 10, he is definitely not the top. Lex Luthor and the Joker fills that role perfectly well. Despite that, he does a good job of what a villain ought to do, and therefore deserves credit. For the Protagonist of any story must have an opposition and defeat it, in order to validate his status as the main character.

This is taken from the ever popular dark lor'ds view:

It is a period of civil war. Guerrilla spaceships striking from a hidden base have won a narrow victory against our loyal Imperial forces, inflicting heavy losses in terms of casualties and, worse, the galactic peace. During the battle insurgent spies managed to steal secret plans to our ultimate weapon and the brainchild of Tarkin's dream, the DEATH STAR, an armoured space station with enough firepower to destroy an entire planet.

The whole thing has given me a massive headache.

Moff Nur has been killed, a wound in my life for which I shall never forgive the traitorous Rebel Alliance. Nur has been my closest confidant outside of my master for years, and I will feel his loss keenly. Our long conversations have always helped me clarify matters, though he was no mentor -- rather, a friend. Nur never told me what to think. He showed me how to find the answers myself.

I wish I could seek his counsel now.

The last time we spoke, right before the battle, he made a suggestion I admit I considered absurd. "You should try keeping a journal," he said.

"A journal?" I echoed. "Do you mean I should write a book?" I know, of course, that Moff Nur has been editing the manuscript of my master Darth Sidious the Emperor Palpatine, whose highly anticipated treatise on the subject of the subjugation of civilizations and the creation of powerful monsters promises to be a bestseller.

"No, no," smiled Nur. "I mean like a diary."

"Like a teenage girl?"

"Well, not entirely unlike a teenage girl, I suppose. The purpose is to help you analyze yourself by exporting your thoughts and impressions into a form you can review. Not only can it provide valuable insight as an artifact, but I find the actual process of recounting my reflections cathartic in itself."

"You do this?"

"I do. I promise you, my friend, it helps."

And so I have decided to make good on the Moff's advice, now that he is dead and the confidence of the terrorists swells. I have begun this journal. I do not know how long the experiment will last, but I admit that in the absence of Nur himself I do find it calming to imagine I am speaking to his spirit as I dictate this recording.

Hello, Moff!

Alright, now I feel really stupid. Perhaps this experiment will be short lived. I am a busy man. Being a preternaturally powerful dark overlord at the right hand of a descent-crushing Emperor entails a certain set of demanding responsibilities. The galaxy won't tyrannize itself, after all.

I'm back. Commodore Ozzel just rushed to my chambers to triumphantly announce in his simpering way that a series of terrorist transmissions has been intercepted originating from the very starship that even now ostensibly ferries Ambassador Leia Organa on a consular mission to her homeworld of Alderaan.

Long have I suspected her ties to the Rebel Alliance! This time we have her. I have commanded this StarDestroyer to break off from the fleet and pursue the Tantive IV across hyperspace, and to disable her at the earliest opportunity.

With Organa's capture we will have a new hope for protecting Tarkin'

Sunday, May 6, 2012

My major setback this week

This week was very tough. From wednesday onwards, I had to go through school with significantly less concentration on anything because I had diarreah. It was just terrible timing that it came on the day I had to take a test in math. And basically all the other tests that had to be taken that day. It seemed so impossible that I would get through the week. Especially in the math test i was just messed up that time. I couldn't concentrate and I felt like vomiting. Diarreah isn't the worst thing that you can get but it sure makes you feel like ......

Seriously, I can;t even begin to explain how the past week sucked. And to make it worse we were assigned projects in filipino to a movie that I can barely relate to. Then apply all the theories assigned to us. It is my expectation that the week will get better. And that no sicknesses will follow.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Assasins Creed 3

To all AC fans! As you know, assasins creed 3 is coming up. As a fan myself, i can say that I am very excited for the upcoming game. And know the first step to knowing the game, is to let me explain it.

Assassin's Creed III is an upcoming game developed by Ubisoft, and is set for release on October 30, 2012 Ubisoft has claimed that the game will be bigger than its previous console installments, and will complete the story of Desmond Miles.

The game will be set between 1753 and 1783, and will focus on a new ancestor, Connor Kenway, who fought during the American Revolution.

Can you believe it's during the American Revolution? I'm glad Desmond will still be there. It sucks though that lucy died the last game. It would have been good to see her in 3.

Let's talk about the development of this game.

With the game in development since January 2010, by its release date, Ubisoft will have worked on the title for almost three years. In a statement made by Yvés Guillemot, he shared that "what we have seen is just fabulous."
The game runs on a new version of Anvil Engine, which improves environment effects. There will be seasonal changes, meaning that the sun will shine during summer and the landscape will be covered in snow during winter, subsequently affecting gameplay.

In winter, soldiers will move more slowly and stumble about in the snow, and lakes and rivers will freeze over, allowing Connor to access new areas. Another technical aspect of the engine is that it can depict up to a thousand troops engaged in battle, in contrast to previous games' one hundred, and detailed close-ups.

You know what? I'm glad they added these new stuff. I mean the first and second one was great, especially the revelations storyline, but they always seem to have that one close up technical aspect. I can't wait to see the new additions. And I'm sure Jerry can't as well

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

The Discrimination we face in School

The way we view school is almost immaculate. It is a play in our, eyes, that is free from racism, prejudice, and degredation. But at times, this is not always the case.  There are haters everywhere and speaking as a realist, the world will never be free of them. Let me cite some examples.

First let's go to the stereotype:
I'm sure I've written about stereotypical, people and students in my previous entries. Remember the movies that we watched about high schools in the US? I'm sure we've noticed the ever-antagonistic, "popular kids". They have their own tables, their own group of people that willingly follow them without question, and they constantly snub the "nerds". Schools today are highly unlikely to show students with this kind of behavior. But I will make the comparison.

Schools in real life:
In my opinon, discrimination is as strong as ever. However, it is almost unapparent. Students have mastered the art of belittling other people so discreetly, that it does not reach the word of the teachers/principals. I believe that this is the way it should be. I think as equals, discrimination will not cease and it is the other persons problem of how he views other people. However it is wrong for discrimination to be the cause of punishment, or lack of rewarding to a student. It should not be the policy of how desicions are made. People are free to think as they wish, and even say as they wish (with the consequences of course). 

What is my point?
My point is that discrimination is everywhere and cannot be removed because it is a point of view. And removing a point of view is tantamount to taking away the right to free opinion. Even authority figures can personally discriminate against other people, no one is stopping them from hating another nationality. It becomes wrong however, when that is how they make their decisions and treat the people below them based on their personal beliefs. You can be racist against your employee as much as you like, but you still have to treat them fairly and with respect.

Friday, April 20, 2012


Frodo Baggins is one of the central, if not arguably the main character, in J.R.R. s best selling book, The Lord of the Rings. He is an intelligent, graceful hobbit, who inherits the evil Dark Lord Sauron’s Ring of Power. He must make the agonizing decision to try to destroy the ring by taking it from his beloved home in the Shire to Sauron’s evil country of Mordor, so he can if possible, cast the ring into the depths of the fiery Mount Doom.

There are a few important points about Frodo Baggins that must be settled especially for those who are only familiar with Peter Jackson’s film versions of Tolkien’s books. First, though tend to have longer lives than humans, and look younger for much longer (which is enhanced by wearing Sauron’s ring), Frodo is not just a youngster. When Tolkien’s book opens, Frodo is about to celebrate his 33rd birthday, the typical year for coming of age for hobbits. He is 50 when he sets off on his perilous quest, an echo of the age his Uncle Bilbo (really a cousin) was when Bilbo began his "adventure," in the book, The Hobbit.

There is much in the character of Frodo that is admirable, and as his journey continues, his figure becomes distinctly Christlike. He is clearly and fully aware that he is sacrificing himself in the hope that the world will be saved. As a hobbit, he begins Tolkien’s book being described as somewhat different from other hobbits. Under the tutelage of Bilbo, Frodo has learned some Elvish, and the wizard gandalf describes his mind as "quick," not always the case with hobbits, who can be quite simple folk.

Though he loves the Shire, his homeland, he is torn by the desire to go adventuring like Bilbo did, and though he has many hobbit characteristics, like a good sense of humor and a love of mushrooms, he has more of a thoughtful mind and adventuring spirit.

As Tolkien’s novel progresses, Frodo Baggins is increasingly tested especially by the continued need to carry the enemy’s ring, which corrupts all who come into contact with it. The chief need for Frodo is to remain as free as he can of this taint, and have the mental strength to ultimately cast the ring away. This is no easy task, since possession of the ring is not only corruptive but also addictive.

In his journeys, Frodo is accompanied by his faithful servant sam gamgee, and later is guided by the former ring bearer and desperate creature Gollum. A Jungian interpretation of Gollum/Sméagol would clearly call Gollum Frodo’s shadow. In most other interpretations, Gollum is merely clear indication of what Frodo would become if he chose to claim the ring for his own. To remain Frodo Baggins and resist being Gollum is a terribly difficult task.

Yet Gollum serves Frodo, in some instances, extremely well. It should be recollected that Gollum and not Frodo is ultimately responsible for the ring’s destruction, and further, that Peter Jackson’s film version once again veers from the original. When Gollum seizes the ring from Frodo by biting the poor hobbit’s finger off, Frodo does not respond with violent act or deed. Instead, Gollum in his madness and exultant joy at gaining the ring dances too close to the edge of Mount Doom’s volcano and falls in. Frodo does not push him in.

iIn the end, the experience of bearing the ring makes returning to the Shire and living there too difficult for Frodo Baggins. Instead of remaining in the Shire, which Frodo believes he’s saved for others, not for himself, he leaves with the last of the elves to go to the Gray Havens. He has gone from land loving hobbit to one of the great heroes in fiction, and his end is both fitting and sad. The Gray Havens suggest immortality, and perhaps Tolkien little knew that his character would become nearly immortal to the many readers who have treasured his work. Frodo combines ultimate self-sacrifice with abiding love, and is thus to be cherished; small of stature, but immeasurably great in spirit.

Declaration Defense

I hope everyone enjoyed playing Thomas Jefferson because I definitely felt relieved when we finished. We were divided into groups and tasked to make our own paper consisting of what we want to change/add to in MIT. I was group with Renzo, Monica, and John. From day one there were already problems. Renzo and I were actually the only members who actually brainstormed and thought of ideas while the other half of the group did nothing. This went on for about two days.

 When Ms. Mae started calling groups, I realized that we were not going to get squat. We were basically a two man team. What could possibly go wrong?

A lot, actually. However, I will get to that. Right now I will talk about the group of Tim and friends, (or whatever they are). They advocated for the free usage of the printers so long as there is a valid reason to do so. One other issue they raised was the high prices in the cafetria. I had more or less mixed feelings about their argument. I can't say I agree with the  free printer usage, but I can totally support the cafetria issue.

Then there are some individuals who just love to contradict. Even though somtimes, the argument goes in circles and the points contradicted by said person, would not be practically speaking, good for the school. However, freedom of speech is still valid in this universe, so a person can be as annoying as they want...... and more.

I will skip to our turn. Our "demand" was, contrary to Tim's group where they had a passionate and misleading introduction, more of a proposal. Instead of blaming the school for not "doing their job", like all the other groups did, we respectfully showed the benefits of a modified approach to learning.

Of course, that was very unclear to everyone, including certain individuals who once again due to Freedom of Speech, will contradict completely invalid points.

Example 1: I already said twice, that we were only PROPOSING. Then certain individuals, will ask the same questions in different forms. All with the same "why should the school do this or the school wouldnt implement that.".

This was completely irrelevant. Why? Because to be able to know what the school decides, they have to be in the administration doing what they do everyday. What sets my group apart is that we, or at least I, understand that to assume that you know what the school should do you have to be in there everyday. That is why our introduction is not as forceful as the others. Because we would not like to look like complete idiots if the admin asks as, "Hey, do you think you could do our job or make the hrad day to day descicions everyday?". Our group will not be asked that because we are only proposing.

Ms Mae, you asked us not to refer to you in the third person in our blogs so I will ask you directly. Please think about what I said and about who you should give the highest grade to. And since I am the only one who has said that we could not possibly know what Dr. Santos, Mr. Kwon, or you have to do in the school. In effect, with the respectfull introduction of our declaration, I believe the highestgrade should go to the one who learned the most important lesson. So what I learned is that you cannot possibly make a  forcing statement, like what others did, that the school SHOULD do, unless you know how to run a school.

BTW ( I didn't learn this because I made the mistake of a forcing introduction, in fact my)introduction, never forced any change, merely suggest. :) )

Friday, April 13, 2012

Incoming prom

I should probably start by telling what my thoughts are for the upcoming prom for grades 9 on wards. To start, this is the very first prom that i would have ever experienced in my entire life, so I would want to see what it's like. According to some people, prom sucks. They have really bad experiences such as break-ups, loneliness, etc. According to others, it will be remembered as something good because they've had the best night of their lives.

Now let's go to what I see in the movies. I know what they show is highly stereotypical. The nerds go in one direction and they most likely will not have a date. Then they complain bitterly about how it isn't fair that the big muscular guy gets the girl. One eventually musters the courage to ask a girl, then get publicly humiliated by being harshly turned down.

Then the jocks come and they're the superstars of the entire event. The girls want them, guys want to be them, and they walk ever so slowly with an aura that only movies form the 1980's can bring us. Let's not forget the ever popular bully. They're basically the ones dumping nerds in the toilet. This may include but is not limited to the jocks, but they usually are too full of themselves to even notice the nerds.

Now, all these sources, second hand and from movies, give my various ideas on what I might have to expect on April 19. I cannot say for sure how it will pan out. There is only one thing I can conclude based on the movies and other people. It will definitely be a night that I will never forget.

(PS. my next entry about the prom will be after it happens so stay alert)

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

What happened this week.

This comes as a surprise to me. This week was actually not that hard. I mean we had a quiz in math and a seating arrangement change in English which up to now, kinda messes up my fetish for routines. I hope Ms. Mae then, can sympathize with my OCD'sh feeling ( if ya know what I mean).

However, despite that, I still learned something. I learned that assent means to give aprroval to. You know sometimes when we speak english so much, we tend  to forget that there are actually words that we do not know. I even had to ask help from Ms. Mae as I was stuck in trying to piece together the context clues.

Though I do not remember what the context was exactly, I remember that it had something to do with the King of England refusing to give his consent for his governors to pass laws that will improve the lives of the public.
America, as Ms Mae, mentioned, created a literary masterpiece. This was due to the logic that was involved in the Declaration of Independence.

Here is what I think about it. Personally, I thought it was great political strategy on the part of America. The fact that they mentioned the "candid world" line earned my respect for this piece. They were very careful not to mention any specific country as the opressor or the victim. With that already mentioned, they could say that they are only claiming what is their natural rights, and eventually became an incredibly major factor in winning their Independence from Great Britain.

One of my other personal thoughts is that it makes perfect sense for us to be advocating a list of things we want in school. Some in my opinion are just nonsensical. Others, like the one my group made :) should definitely be considered in a very serious manner.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Wrestlemania 28

hey, guys, yes this is also another post that was left in the drafts to rot until today.\

Anyways, back to my topic.

WrestleMania 28 was full of thrilling moments—a handful of which will never be forgotten. There were a few misses in WWE's showcase event—like Sheamus taking out Daniel Bryan in 18 seconds. But, all in all, this was a tremendous success for the company.

The next three moments ensured that.

Not a lot was expected of this match, which is a big part of the reason it was so thrilling. This match delivered in a big way, however, and it came right after the Sheamus' 18-second victory.

Kane and Orton went back and forth, as the two battled through huge moves and blows. It was widely speculated that Orton would emerge victorious from this match, and that seemed to be the way it was heading as Orton fought off a pin following a choke-slam.

That only set the stage for the bigger choke-slam. Orton was about to finish Kane off from the top rope, when Kane came to life, grabbed Orton's neck and slammed him to the mat.

It was a great finishing move, and it set the stage for the rest of the evening.

2. Undertaker Helps Triple H from the Ring

This match seems to be the biggest highlight of the night for most fans, and for good reason. It was a truly epic match.

The three of them—you have to include guest referee Shawn Michaels in there—battled in the cage well beyond what anyone could have expected. This was a grueling back-and-forth match that the Undertaker was ultimately able to win.

I have so much more to add but then I would be a spoiler wouldn't I?

You guys will just have to watch the rest of the show for yourselves

What i did during the break

hey guys, you know those funny moments where you overlook something little and it turns out it could potentially affect something important? Something like saving a post in the drafts and not being able to post it until the deadline? Yeah that just happened.

For the most part of this break I've been trying to get into economics. Now, we all know that next year, Grade 10 will be having economics as a subject. For those people taking economics in college, it will shed a litle light on what you will have to expect.

For those whose first time is hearing it, you definitely have the question "What is economics?'

Economics is the study of how people choose to use resources.

Resources include the time and talent people have available, the land, buildings, equipment, and other tools on hand, and the knowledge of how to combine them to create useful products and services.

Often, people appear to use their resources to improve their well-being. Well-being includes the satisfaction people gain from the products and services they choose to consume, from their time spent in leisure and with family and community as well as in jobs, and the security and services provided by effective governments. Sometimes, however, people appear to use their resources in ways that don't improve their well-being.

In short, economics includes the study of labor, land, and investments, of money, income, and production, and of taxes and government expenditures. Economists seek to measure well-being, to learn how well-being may increase over time, and to evaluate the well-being of the rich and the poor. The most famous book in economics is the Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of The Wealth of Nations written by Adam Smith, and published in 1776 in Scotland.

Although the behavior of individuals is important, economics also addresses the collective behavior of businesses and industries, governments and countries, and the globe as a whole.

Oh, and did I mention that Economics is an effective pre-law? Yup for those attempting to become a lawyer, that is a good course to take.

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Negative to positive

hey guys I just want to share a quote from robert greene about "Turning Shit into Sugar.".

Turn Shit into Sugar - Opportunism. Every negative situation contains the possibility for something positive, an opportunity. It is how you look at it that matters. Your lack of resources can be an advantage, forcing you to be more inventive with the little that you have. Losing a battle can allow you to frame yourself as the sympathetic underdog. Do not let fears make you wait for a better moment or become conservative. If there are circumstances you cannot control, make the best of them. It is the ultimate alchemy to transform all such negatives into advantages and power.

Aha! It's a good thing i found this..... i was running out of quotes. Yes tomorow is the day of fate. Tomorow is the deciding factor of whatever we did and whether it was worth it or not. Just dont think of all the parents and other people watching. That every mistake made will be multiplied by how many people are watching.... so just imagine them in their underwear! Just make sure that the person you're imagining about fits the image.

week of fate

Okay, I'll just be giving a summary of what happened this week. These five days so essential to the upcoming play fest on Monday. That is the days where it all comes down to. Where it will show the effort that has been put into "Evangelious, The Forgotten King". Despite that, we've only practiced two times at the most. I mean our last serious and major practice was in CCF last Saturday. Yes, Indeed, this week was reserved for planning and props/costume making. Let me give a short description of what my mother and I are working toward. We planned to make a variation of the costume I posted. Instead of Red, it will be maroonish.

I think I've made a mistake though. I've invited eight of my family members to watch. The reason I think it's a mistake is that I've inadvertantly put more preasure on myself. Oh well, they were a veyr big part of help working on my costume so it is only fair that they watch the play. There's no getting out of it. It's going to either help me or hinder me. Might as well make it for my benefit. Hmmm..... this gives me an incredible idea for my next post. It should be about taking something negative and turning it into a positive.

For now, I will just share what I have learned. I have learned that there is no substitute for actually doing your roles and practicing them. I also learned the value of time. For the past two weeks we've been trying to get whatever time we can out of using CCF. Which is actually not much because other students have to use it too.
But honestly, we should look at it with no regrets because that really was the most time we could get there. I think we can proudly say that rehearsalwise, we made the most of our time. We should be proud of ourselves.

Sunday, March 18, 2012


Guys, you may or may not be aware of this. But the RH bill is a pretty big issue in the Philippines.
But let's take a look at other countries take on what should be done. The Irish Government's decision to reject recommendations made by a number of UN member states for Ireland to legislate for abortion "recognises the reality that Ireland is the safest country in the world for women to give birth" the Pro Life Campaign (PLC) has said.

Last October the Irish government appeared before the UN Human Rights Council as part of the Universal Periodic Review process and rejected calls made by six countries for Ireland to legislate for abortion. The countries were Holland, Germany, Denmark, Slovenia, Norway and Spain.

A Government report designed as a response to a series of other recommendations made last year as part of the UN's Universal Periodic Review (UPR) was presented in Geneva this morning and confirms Ireland's decision to reject calls for abortion.

Responding to the adoption of the Universal Periodic Review report, PLC spokesperson Dr Ruth Cullen welcomed the Government's stance.
Hey, we got one guy who rejected abortion! 

Dr Cullen said: "Calls for abortion legislation fly in the face of the United Nation's own recent research showing that Ireland, without abortion, is a world leader in terms of safety for women in pregnancy. Maternal safety in Ireland, it should be noted, is better than in the six countries which last year sought to put pressure on Ireland to introduce abortion. The latest UN study on maternal mortality, published in 2010, shows that out of 172 countries for which estimates are given, Ireland remains a world leader in safety for pregnant women.

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Filipino Test

This entire week I've been loaded with restests. And somehow, even though an F was staring me in the face, I got through it. The worst monster though, of this many headed Hydra, was Filipino. Seriously, I can only understand like 20% of the words. I remember the first deep word I had to encounter was "Dapugan". If you know the meaning, please put it in the comment box..... yes i still dont know the meaning. Anyway, I should start from when the project was due. Because sir Lacaba was absent two days before examinations began, I had no chance to ask him about it.

Then this week came when I was attending remedials for other subjects and again I did not have a chance to ask him about it. So when the due date came I was so confused because of what happened, Sir Lacaba did not exactly comment on his absence and did not dismiss my point as wrong, but a due date was still a due date so I was in trouble. I was in a hot postion, three other guys were joining me on this slide. Tomio, Jason, and Martin.

I was scared $^*%less. I took every opportunity, every 5 minute break, and all of lunch time to complete it. It payed off though, as all that got me three pages which was good enough and I submitted it by the end of the day. I don't know about the others, I hope they were able to submit theirs as well. Now what did I learn?
Well I'm not sure if it's preparation cause I did try to ask him. I'm sure there was something more that I could have done but right now, I really feel like I did all I could. More importantly and clearly, I learned about persistence. When I was using up all my free time for that project, I was running on pure energy. There was no preparation, no strategy, no briliant manuever. Just fear. A fear that sparked and produced something so amazing that it helped me survive..... barely, but with no deductions.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Triple h

Following The Miz losing against John Cena at last night's RAW Supershow, The Miz cut a promo and demanded an authority figure come out to make him a WrestleMania 28 match. Triple H made a surprise appearance and hit Miz with a Pedigree before crotch chopping him. posted a video of Triple H's appearance at this link.

haha i was laughing my @$$ off with this! If Renz and Jason are looking, watch wHAT HAPPENS TO THE MIZ!

Read more:

Cm punk next austin.

Is CM Punk The Next Austin? Underutilized Talent
POSTED BY MR. 561 ON FRIDAY, JULY 29, 2011 AT 4:01 PM

WWE Hall of Famer Jim Ross is back with another blog update, which you can read in its entirety at Here are some highlights of what JR wrote about:
The New Steve Austin DVD Project: “What details do I know about the Stone Cold DVD that is being produced? I know that Steve is really hands on the project and will be involved throughout the production of the entire project, that a WWE camera crew & a producer spend parts of three days at Austin’s Broken Skull 

Ranch in South Texas earlier this week, and that no subjects were ‘off limits’ as Steve told me he talked about a litany of controversial topics that he had never addressed before on any other DVD including some of an extremely personal nature. I don’t know the release date of this multi disc set but it will be after October 25 when the much anticipated HBK-Hitman Rivalry DVD is released but in time for holiday shopping.”

Will ROH’s New Show Hurt TNA? “Do I think that ROH will adversely affect TNA once ROH begins airing their weekly, syndicated TV show? Likely not. Wrestling fans have proven over time that if multiple brands are compelling enough that they will watch. While my focus is on WWE, I am a fan of the genre and wish success to whoever is earning a living in it. ”

Is CM Punk the Next Steve Austin? “I hope not. I hope that Punk is simply the best CM Punk that he can be. The best for Punk has yet to come in my view. Punk being compared to Austin is inevitable because both are ‘defiant’ and ‘anti establishment’ persona’s but their in ring styles, body types, etc are distinctly different.”
Who’s the Most Underutilized Persona in WWE? That’s a loaded question. Could be several people, if those people were asked the same question. Zack Ryder fans would say Zack, etc. I might suggest William Regal who has a refined,  multiple skill set who can wrestle, talk, manage, train talent and broadcast.

Justice League

Whooppee more justice League Stuff. I had a dream that I was hal jordan fighitng the sinestro corps and that batman was ordering fries in burger king.

Oh btw, what do u think of this pic?

Comic book creators are almost universally freelancers( yeah right?) and so exist outside of the insurance provision that many of us are lucky enough to take for granted. Therefore, there is a need for a support system to help those creators who find themselves in need of help. The Hero Initiative is that support. In their own words they are…
 (That reminds me of john laurinits from wwe. The executive VP of talent relations and interim gen manager of mondya night raw.... whatta douche.)
The Hero Initiative is the first-ever federally chartered not-for-profit corporation dedicated strictly to helping comic book creators in need. Hero creates a financial safety net for yesterdays’ creators who may need emergency medical aid, financial support for essentials of life, and an avenue back into paying work. It’s a chance for all of us to give back something to the people who have given us so much enjoyment.

This December the Initiative, in collaboration with DC Comics and legion of artists, have put together a fund raising project called the The Justice League of America 100 Project:


OOOh here it comes guys, btw, something should think of a Synopsis for our play. You know, just to give out on the back of the play bill.

 There been a break in at New York City’s Met, but Detective Jim Daniels is incredulous that only one object, the “Sword of Beowulf”, an ancient Anglo-saxon sword held in a claw-like scabbard, has been stolen. The curator of the exhibit tells the detective about the mythical powers of the sword which he says can only be unlocked by a person “pure of heart” who says a special phrase in Old English. The thief, who repeatedly refers to himself as “Harm” in the third person, is still in the building (“Still, Harm should be grateful. Harm did need the words”). The sword’s scabbard opens upon Harm’s recitation of the phrase and he draws out the sword. An orange light passes from the Sword to Harm and lodges where his heart should be. A stunned curator asks how Harm could possible be “Pure of Heart”, but is reminded that the myth didn’t specify “pure good”, just “pure”.

USA Today (here and here) are reporting that DC are cancelling six low-selling books from the New 52 and are launching 6 new books to replacement them in May. The 6 for the can are Men of War, Mister Terrific, O.M.A.C., Hawk and Dove, Blackhawks and Static Shock. Not a terrible shock really, but I had a soft stop for the OMAC title. The loss of two prominent African-American led books (Static Shock and Mister Terrific) would have been a concern if they had been of suitably high quality. Both characters have great potential, but I didn’t see that realized in the New 52 books. Hopefully we’ll see Static back with Titans.

The six replacement series are more interesting. They are Batman Incorporated, Dial H, Worlds’ Finest, G.I. Combat, Earth 2, and The Ravagers. Of particular interest is James Robinson’s Justice Society series, now named “Earth 2″, and a companion title featuring the Earth 2 Power Girl and Huntress and their adventures trapped on the DCU Earth. Quoting from USA Today:

This is so awesome I swear, Batman has always been uderrated for me. I kinda like underratred characters.
Like Benezio in our play.
Parallel worlds have been in DC’s wheelhouse for a while, and they waited till the second wave to really get into the nitty-gritty of heroes from other Earths. Writer James Robinson reteams with the Justice Society for the new series Earth 2, which is being drawn by Nicola Scott, while Huntress and Power Girl are stranded on our world and want to return to theirs in Worlds’ Finest, written by Paul Levitz with art by George Perez and Kevin Maguire in rotating story arcs. “What does that mean to be exiles from that Earth 2?” [Bob] Harras says. “We thought it’d be a nice thing to bring this concept back and to really, as we did with the 52 initially, reconceive it and freshen it up.”

Batman Incorporated and Earth 2 should have real staying power. I’m more unsure about the others. I love the idea of Worlds’ Finest, but its success is really going to depend on the execution. The artists should ensure that, but its hard to tell nowadays. I wish the other titles well, but I remain to be sold on them.

The unanswered question: Is the Huntress in the current Huntress series the New 52 Huntress or is she the Earth 2 Huntress?

Stone Temple Pilots

In the early 1990s, Stone Temple Pilots—not U2, not Nirvana, not Pearl Jam— was the hottest band in the world. STP toppled such mega-bands as Aerosmith and Guns N' Roses on MTV and the Billboard charts. Lead singer Scott Weiland became an iconic front man in the tradition of Mick Jagger, David... Bowie, and Robert Plant. Then, when STP imploded, it was Weiland who emerged as the emblem of rock star excess, with his well-publicized drug busts and trips to rehab.

Weiland has since made a series of stunning comebacks, fronting the supergroup Velvet Revolver, releasing solo work, and, most recently, reuniting with Stone Temple Pilots. After kicking a 13-year addiction to drugs almost a decade ago, he has prevailed as a loving, dedicated father, as well as a business-savvy artist whose well of creativity is far from empty.

These "EARTHLING PAPERS' explore Weiland's early years as an altar boy right along with his first experiences with sex and drugs. Weiland discusses his complex relationships with his parents, stepfather, siblings, and the love of his life, Mary Forsberg Weiland. Readers learn the fascinating stories behind his most well-known songs and what it was like to be there at the beginning of the grunge phenomenon, as Rolling Stone proclaimed on its cover: "the year punk broke." Not Dead & Not for Sale is a hard rock memoir to be reckoned with—a passionate, insightful, and humorous book that reads with extraordinary narrative force.

My fave singer is Scott Weiland. This is an awesome picture of him.

Video games have, thus far, proven notoriously difficult for the hollywood adaptatron to transmogrify into anything resembling a satisfying movie. There have been a few guilty pleasures ("Super Mario Brothers", "Street Fighter") and some relative financial successes ("Resident Evil"), but even those can at best be described as "mildly entertaining" or - if you're feeling uncharitable - "rancid arse-puke".

Enter: Jerry Bruckeimer (steady on). The Bruck has produced movie bullion out of an Air-Force training video, Bruce Willis' unhealthy obsession with drilling, and a fricking fun-fair ride; so the piddly problem of porting a pixelly pantomime from nerd's bedrooms to the big, shiny screen should pose no challenge whatsoever.


"Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time" tells the tale of a Persian ragamuffin who is plucked from the streets and raised as a prince (following an opening scene that is a live-action re-enactment of the bit in "Aladdin" where he is chased down alleys and over rooftops by swarthy palace-guard types), before getting embroiled in some mystical gubbins about a time-warping McGuffin in the shape of a dagger filled with magic sand that TURNS BACK TIME.

Bruckheimer farms very similar ground to the "Pirates" cycle ; producing a light-hearted romp with tongue firmly in cheek, but director Mike Newell seems unable to imbue proceedings with the same comic sensibility mixed with flair for visual set-pieces exhibited by Gore Verbinski in the seafaring saga. Here, the action sequences are needlessly over-edited, leaving a choppy and incoherent feel which can lead to confusion as to who is doing what to whom, and the comedy often falls flat.

Aiding and abetting the occasional sabotage of the action are the generally sub-par digital effects. Gyllenhaal is often seen standing in green-screen composite shots that would've been sneered at ten years ago, seriously damaging the overall plausibility of the world.

The Gyll, as the Rodney Trotter-accented Prince Dastan, has a likable cheeky charisma but struggles to generate any serious chemistry when pitted against Gemma Arterton's Princess Tamina. Arterton delivers another "I look pretty and deliver exposition in a theatrical upper-class accent" performance, and the banter between the two leads often feels forced and annoying rather than sparky and free-wheeling. There were points where I wanted to punch both characters in the eye and simply say "Stop being a dick and get on with the film!", but they're not real, so I didn't.

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Exam Week

As you noticed, I fell a bit short on blogs for the past week or two. I'm trying to recover from them now. Anyways, exam week is about to begin and I'm filled with deadlines and problems. One of them being for filipino. Sir Emman Lacaba, our professor of Filipino promised to give me a session after school to cover any questions, projects, test help. He was not there. The night before, the first day of the exam, i was tossing and turning, i could not sleep at all which got me feeling bad the next day. As for math, I was not given a chance to do my retake for a test and that got  me a lot worried as well. To this I can only say one thing, It;s not my fault.
Despite the seemingly biased odds against me, that won't make me quit. There have been countless times where the deck has been stacked against me. All I can say is that if this is being done on purpose, then whoever it is better watch out, because karma ensures that the whatever wrong is being done, it will come back tenfold...... You know, just in case this is being purposely done to make it harder for me. Anyways, Happy Weekend!

The week after my birthday.

It was the week after my birthday. I had to get past the week. We were heavily focused on the play throughout the entire week and even dropped a few classes to make room for that. I missed the class on monday so I did not exactly know what happened. Anyways, it was my first time to do some acting and standing and walking around. As you know, I play the count. He is instrumental in the Prince's takeover of the thrown.
I've learned a lot during the practice. I learned that despite the repetitiveness of the practice, I had to bear the the dialouge. To be honest, I was lucky to be one of the select few who didn't have much problems.

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Acting Workshop

The end of the week was coming to an end and I could not have been more enthusiastic. I thought I was going to retire the week at peace. Completely responsibility-free. But, I was called by my teacher for club on something that I could not refuse, (like, even if i wanted to), I was to be the "host" of the workshop. So basically I just had to introduce people and make a speech and stuff. Other than missing class completely, I had the perk to wear whatever I wanted.

The Workshop itself was enlightening. Mr. Eusores gave us many things that would be helpful to the actors. The most important thing I learned was eye contact, up to that point, I could not see the value in eye contact. When our esteemed guest gave us a demonstration on how important it is, I found that without eye contact, you can't even recite the alphabet right, at least in coordination with another person. I really learned so much and I am looking forward to how that experience will help me in our class' future endeavors.

English play

It's once again english time and we've got something new in store. We've moved on to another topic that was our centre of attention for nearly the entire week. It was our English plays. On our first reading we were given random characters. I was given the role of Benezio, who was a "sexually confused" man. I must admit that I was slightly uncomfortable playing such a character. Although, this gave me a lot of insight on what being homosexual meant at the time. As if treament of those people wasn't bad enough today. Anyways, I nevertheless did NOT botch it, despite the challenge to play a contrasting personality of mine.

What happened second thing, was that we were given more suitable roles. Well, I say suitable because anything other than a gay man works. I was given the role of the count. The man who was instrumental in the plan of the prince to take his father, the king's, throne. We had another round to read off the lines in this character and I must say that the count really is a mysterious figure in this story and he is completely absent during the ending. Well, I am glad that I play him and not Benezio, but since i'm temporarily cast as a villain, then I would like to try being the prince. Why? All great villains have deaths. The prince is given such an honor while the count finds away into the darkness a the end. Nevertheless, it was a very busy, week, and a lot of time did fly during all these activities.

Monday, February 13, 2012

The week goes on....

The week continues. Everything seems to be going well so far. Got good reactions from T. Mae for my poem, just finished a math presentation, so far, so good. This week, I must say, was specifically.... well..... bloody.

We started off good with some tests. My English test scores were good. I remember converting it at least to an 80%... well kind of. Social Science, well that was a long one. To be honest, I don't even remember a bunch of stuff sir nifas talked about. They're really the kind of stuff you have to watch a lot of tv for, and i did. Anyways, I alot of people didn't pass. Good thing I narrowly avoided being in the majority. Thank you TV!

The main guys I think were the two boys Gino and Jerry, followed by Tim, and Renzo I think. Major Props to those guys. That was a frickin hard exam...... and I'm willing to bet they didnt even use the TV! Now that that's done somehting else follwed. Something that would haunt the dreams of the weak at heart. Shall I say it? Mothers, turn your children away, Grandmothers, take your medicine, PRegnant women, prepare to have a very, very early birth...... SAW 7!

I cannot even begin to describe the goryness of this movie. This is so bad, I wouldn't wish them to Ted Bundy himself. Though big respect to the directors, as Renzo said, they were really smart. I think it's because they really know how to get into the psycology  of a victim, or even the killer. Most importantly, they know how to get into our heads. That's the most important part. You can have the most awesome movie  script with the best planning and even the most exciting scenes. But if you're story sucks and you're actors don;t know how to act. You may as well book your movie a showing on the D list. Anwyays, saw is a unique and exciitng movie, I definitley recommend you to watch it if you can stomach seeing another persons stomach.